Second chance for the Easter bunny

GRIN # 390

I have to admit I was quite cantankerous about the Easter bunny this year. I shouldn’t be, I know.

I mean, I only have one kid and in a few years the gig will be up so I should be enjoying these fun times of mythical wonder, right?

Only the Easter bunny is a man is a creepy rabbit suit and the whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with the real meaning of Easter. At least with Santa, we can theorize that he gives gifts to us because the wise men gave gifts for the baby Jesus. You see what I’m saying.

But the Easter bunny breaks into your pad somehow and leaves you stuff–stuff that he damn sure didn’t have to stand in a long-ass line for at Target. And he never would have driven to three different drug stores to find plastic eggs because someone waited too long, as she always does.

How would the Easter bunny even pull all of this together? Does he have an Easter carriage? A garden workshop? Little ladybugs in bonnets helping him out? We’ll never know because whomever started the Easter bunny legend (cough, candy companies, cough) didn’t care about the details.

And that’s how I found myself hiding plastic eggs in the living room at 11:30 Saturday night.

“The Bunny is going to come tonight and leave a basket and hide eggs!” Tyler said, before he went to bed.

“He is? He hides eggs too?” IĀ  said, groaning inwardly.

I was really hoping Tyler didn’t mean dyed hard-boiled eggs because, really, I have to draw the line somewhere. That is a kitchen-related activity and by that time the kitchen was closed. Fugghedaboutit.

So after everyone was in bed, I put the basket together, half hoping Tyler might come down and catch me doing it. I know. I’m grumpy. I warned you about that in the beginning. But, of course, he didn’t and so now I’m on the hook another year.

The next morning I played the “hot and cold” game with him as he looked for his eggs.

After a minute, he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me: “Hey! Did you hide these eggs?”

This was my chance!

“Certainly not!!” I said. “I just saw them while you were opening your basket.”

And then yesterday, some of the Easter bunny’s minions stopped by to say thanks for not blowing his cover.

I’d take these guys over ladybugs any day.

4 Responses to “Second chance for the Easter bunny”

  1. Hey Christy….Watch out for those Easter bunny minions, they leave pyramid piles of poo in your yard and if your dog likes “it” like mine does (she thinks of those little piles as caviar!)…she’ll have them gobbled down before you can leap across the yard screaming NOOO!!!

    P.S. Love reading your stuff…you never hesitate to make me smile! I don’t always make a comment, but I always read your blog! šŸ™‚ Oh, and Happy Mothers day a little early!

  2. 2 things strike me about Easter:

    1. Easter Eggs. Easter Bunnies. I always thought that chickens made eggs; so shouldn’t we be waiting for the “Easter Chicken” instead?

    2. Don’t you find it just the tiniest bid odd that most of the roadkill on the roads around Easter time are bunny rabbits….I’m just sayin’! šŸ™‚

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