Archive for good night

Negative numbers? I think not.

Posted in So true with tags , , , , on May 14, 2010 by cwgala


  • Negative numbers: Jerry and I got in a fight about this once. We were in the same math class at NCSU and were doing homework together. The question: “What’s bigger, Negative 5 or Negative 10?” Jerry explained it was -5 because it was “less” of nothing and therefore bigger because -10 would be more of nothing. I argued that nothing was nothing and you couldn’t have less than nothing. If that was the case, they shouldn’t call it nothing; they should call it something else. Numbers should start at zero. How would you illustrate negative numbers with apples, for example? Negative numbers are highly suspect and freaky.
  • Addictive warnings on nose spray and Chap stick: Seriously, if I’m addicted to breathing and/or moist lips, aren’t there worse things? Don’t pharmaceutical people have bigger fish to fry?