Archive for “I love you

“Sounds good, girl,” said Mama.

Posted in So true with tags , , , on June 8, 2010 by cwgala

GRIN # 135

Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY spoken to a colleague like you would a spouse or friend?

I’ve done this twice in the last two months.

The first time, a graphic artist I work with (a young guy in his late twenties) emailed me with questions about a story layout. I typed out my answers (while I was on the phone with someone else) and signed the email “Mama.”

Now, “Mama” is what my kid called me when he was really little and it kind of stuck in my tiny family. So when I write Jerry an email, often I’ll sign it “Mama.”

Well as soon as I hit the “send” button, I wanted to jump through the monitor and grab back my message. He was going to think I was some kind of terrible perv!!

Instead, I sent him an email apologizing, trying to explain what happened. We both had a good laugh. Occasionally, when I send him an email he’ll write back “Okay, Mama.” A good sport, thankfully.

Then YESTERDAY, I was talking to a source for a story, a very nice man named “Lou” who is organizing this amazing fundraiser. We were winding up the call and, to be honest, I had to pee. He was telling me all the things he was going to send me: pictures of his event, fundraising numbers from last year and projections for this year. Very professional.

“Sounds good, girl,” I said.

“Oh, I called you girl. You’re not a girl.” (UGGHGHG. Shut up, fool! You’re making it worse!)

Lou was silent. By now I had to pee in the worst way, plus I was so embarrassed I just hung up.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this.

Is my mind going?

Please tell me you’ve said “I love you” to the cable guy or the bag boy at least once!!

